What is The Book of Liberty?

The central message of THE BOOK OF LIBERTY is that our lives are fundamentally transformed when immersed in the presence of unconditional Love. We are also called to evaluate our relationships in light of this Love. 

The world has often been shaped by narratives that foster disconnection, rather than connection, and these sow seeds of anger, hatred, and violence. THE BOOK OF LIBERTY sets out a way to re-narrate the messages we have been taught to believe about our life, God/the Holy, and the lives of others. The invitation is to connect with all. 

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One example of a disconnecting narrative found in religion is that we have been born out of a relationship with God/the Holy and each other. THE BOOK OF LIBERTY offers a revisionist approach to understanding our relationships in light of the infinite nature of God/the Holy. It is not possible to be apart from an infinite reality, as infinity has no boundaries, and if this reality is unconditionally loving then our lives are always being immersed in its loving presence. When we see this loving reality at work in all lives we live out a story of connection and the world begins to be transformed. 

THE BOOK OF LIBERTY also illuminates the many sacred texts in world religions. It offers a lens through which to read and interpret them. It invites the reader to look for the story of Love and to reject any belief or teaching that does not lead to joy, peace, and freedom as not from God/the Holy. In any sacred text there is always a story of Love, so tell this story and dwell on it for the good of all.